
| March 1, 2012 | 4 Comments

by Sheila Broderick

[email protected]

Coup”stick`\ (k[=oo]”st[i^]k`), n. [Coup + stick.] A stick or switch used among some American Indians in making or counting a coup.

Ready to get back to your roots? Here is a band worth checking out! Denver locals, Coupstick, are classic metal, and rock and roll at its best. Light’s Shadow, the first in a series of EPs, packs together rock and roll with a mix of traditional Native American influence.

CMB: How did you come up with the name?

Band: Originally, a “coup stick” was used to display the bravery of a warrior. An Indian man’s status was decided by his courage as a fighter and his success as a hunter. The ultimate act of bravery was to get close enough to touch an enemy with a coup stick and let him live (and also survive himself!). This allowed him to claim some of his opponent’s medicine or spiritual powers. The proudest day of any young warrior’s life was when he counted his first coup.

Our version of this, “Coupstick” (all one word), is a movement that touches everyone, not just your enemy. It’s a movement that you can be a part of. It’s like the wind when it touches your face, it can be both soft and harsh–either way, you feel it. It was the only name that covered everything we wanted to say, so we went with it! 

CMB: Where does the inspiration for your songs come from?  Where do your roots stem from?

Band: All of our songs are inspired by stuff we see and do every day. Across the board, we all come from some kind of ancestry that has spiritual connection. You have to know where you come from if you want to really know where you’re going. A desire to inspire is inspiring.

CMB: How would you describe your music to someone who hasn’t heard you?

Band: Mixed Native-American rock and roll/heavy metal, with a hint of traditional sound. We are no bells or whistles, organic rock and roll. 

CMB: Tell me about your new EP.

Band: This EP is the first in a series of three pre-album EPs that will be released over the next year or two.  Light’s Shadow is a four-song tribute to the misunderstood. Everyone, no matter what walk of life they come from, can identify with having a shadow. We ALL cast one, and only the Light reveals this truly. Under the right conditions, even light can cast its own shadow. Coming from a bunch of mixed-blood Native American outcasts, who better knows about being misunderstood then us? If you sign up to be a part of our music movement at, you can get a free download of Light’s Shadow. There are also other perks for sharing our message with your friends, so get involved!!!  Count or be counted! You can also like us on,, and in fact, please do… “Like” us that is.

A side note from Coupstick…

We wrote a song about Muddy’s Java Cafe! Through the years, we always have kept a place in our hearts for that ol’ place; somehow keeping in touch with those that went there regularly…(sigh) Good memories…

Live: Sidekicks Saloon on February 18, 2011


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Category: What's Up?

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  1. Kelsie says:

    Great Interview!!! Thanks so much.

  2. Millie Cruz says:

    I was so anxiuosly waiting this group to have their 1st CD and let me just say it is amazing, I’m so proud to know one of it’s members. Yes, I am a very PROUD mom. I live in Ohio and wish I could be there to see the band play in person, someday I will. Until then I wish you all the best, and congratulations.

  3. Angie says:

    Beautiful artistic insight 🙂 Thanx, Sheila 🙂

  4. Cameron St John says:

    Bad ass band!!! If you have not heard them you need to.

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