Healthy Holiday Weight Loss

| January 1, 2012 | 0 Comments




by Brandy Cordova

[email protected]

So the holidays are over. There was plenty to be eaten and you found yourself eating more than you should have. Now your clothes are a bit snug and you feel like you gained 10 pounds! Oh, the wonderful holiday weight gain. Surprisingly, many studies show that Americans only gain about one pound during the holidays. That’s good news! The bad news, though, is that while holiday weight gain is only about a pound each year, over many years those pounds add up if not lost the next year.

Researchers found that only two factors influence holiday weight gain: level of hunger and level of activity. Level of hunger? Yes, if you feel hungry you eat. The problem here is what is eaten. If you are bulking up on the fat-laden, high calorie, high sugar and salt foods, then your body does not get the correct amount of nutrients it would get if you were eating fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and high-fiber grains. This, in turn, does not satiate your hunger, which leads to eating more, and leads to weight gain.

So where do you start? A good start is the food pyramid. You can still type in the old web address, or the new web address These sites have a plethora of information not only about each food group, but also about how to assess your food intake, meal plans, weight loss, specifics for pregnancy and breastfeeding, and materials you can download or print for easy access.

If that seems too much to embark upon at first, start with cutting out empty calories such as sodas, candy, sweets, and other junk food that has no nutritional value. Then introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet, as well as lean proteins and high-fiber foods. Use portion control as well. It may seem hard at first to say no to the higher fatty foods that you like, but if you allow yourself a small amount of them, you will satiate that craving and not binge later.

Next, you want to increase your physical activity. Start slow here as well. Many people feel they need to jump head first into an exercise regime, which only leads to burnout, and then to stopping. Start with 10 minutes a day. That can include walks around your office on your break or lunch or after work. Park your car farther away in the parking lot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Go to your local library and check out work-out videos to use in the privacy of your home (you don’t have to go to the gym and feel embarrassed!) Then once you feel more motivated, add more cardio and weight training into the mix.

Just keep in mind that it took weeks, or even months, to gain the extra weight, and that it will take just as long to lose it. Don’t give up. If you incorporate healthy eating habits and add more physical activity into your lifestyle, you not only will feel and look better, but also you may not even gain that pound during the holidays!



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