Orifice A-Invading Your Brain, and Scratching Your Mind

| June 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

OA promo 1

If you’re not familiar with the band Orifice A, stop reading now, and go to http://orificea.bandcamp.com/album/orifice-a

This comedic heavy metal band has a sound I’d initially describe as Primus-meets-Chili Peppers-bass-meets Butthole Surfers and Green Jelly, then goes nuts; but it’s like nothing I’ve heard before. This trio, a recent transplant from Chicago, has made their home in our very own Fort Collins. Members Scotty Jamjam (guitar, VOX), Amos Beanpicker (bass, VOX), and Skipp (drums), are self-described “dangerously different individuals.” On their Facebook page, their description says, “Let the silky sounds of the Orifice slither into your ear canal and scratch your itching mind.” Indeed. With three digital albums in their catalog, ranging from 2011 to the self-titled May 2013 release, we just had to know more.

CMB: When/Why did you move to CO from Chicago?

SJJ: We got chased out of Chi town for our dabbling in the underground cadaver trade. The town folk mean to tar and feather–I mean, mountains and music, mama!

AB: Mountains and music about sums it up.

CMB: What differences have you noticed between the two scenes?

SJJ: The Chicago scene is fun, but it is very difficult to draw people. There is so much to do and most people just want to hear cover bands. We could play a different venue every night, but it’s give or take if anyone will show up. Plus it’s a big business town. Everyone’s in a suit and listens to Michael Bolton. Trendy Cats everywhere; more hipsters, but much less hippies, thankfully.

CMB: What CO venues have you played so far? Which venue has been your favorite and why?

SJJ: I would have to say that our favorite venue thus far is Bushwackers Saloon in Denver; awesome environment for original music. Skippy hasn’t even played with us yet, but he has been rockin’ it around here for a while. What’s your favorite venue, Skippy?

Skip: Mishawaka is my favorite in CO. Road 34 is my fave in Fort Collins.

SJJ: OOOOOHHH I can’t wait to destroy that stage.

CMB: When is the next time people can catch a live show here in CO?

AB: Our next show is June 8th at Road 34 in Fort Collins.

SJJ: Y’all should come and get violated in your earholes by the Orifice. You may even catch us in the midst of some mayhem.

CMB: Skip, you are the new addition to the band. What’s your story?

Skip: I like drums. End of story.

CMB: You just released a new album; tell us about that.

AB: We started recording it before we left Chicago. We moved across the country in the middle of it, so it has taken over a year to complete. We recorded it with our old drummer Nick, who did not want to come to the mountains with us.

SJJ: Bless his heart. We did a lot of experimenting with mics, placement, and various production ideas. It turned out to be quite an awkward endeavor, but you be the judge.

CMB: And you guys record, mix, and master on your own?

SJJ: We are not only musicians; we are production and recording engineers. When I’m not playing with Orifice A, I am a touring sound engineer. I actually met AB in recording school, and I met Skip working sound gigs. You know, building stages, running soundboards and such. AB and I own a business that does live production, studio recording, booking, merch production, anything and everything music, by musicians, for musicians. We want to help bands because we love music. It’s called Wired Studios. Look us up online.

AB: It’s the only way to live.

Skip: I hate production; I want to start gigging more

CMB: Where can people go to hear your songs?

SJJ: We have 2 albums up on Bandcamp.com. Sit Stay Kill and our brand new self-titled album, Orifice A. We call it Brainfrog, because there is a brainfrog on the cover. His name is Gus. We actually have a promotion out right now where we will give the first 100 people a free download code for the new album if they email [email protected] describing where they have seen Gus last, and what he was doing. There are many more to come. Word around the campfire is Orifice A will be releasing a free Jaws-themed album. Just rumor though, I guess. You should probably check in at OrificeA.com for updates.

Check. These. Guys. Out. Whether or not your like them, your senses will overload with reaction. When I asked them to describe their sound (the dreaded and overused necessary-evil of a question), this is what SJJ said: “Imagine smashing your own face with a sledge hammer and eating the remains. Imagine if colors could be heard, and even be befriended. We are a product of our influences, and our influences are psychopaths.”

Easily the best self-description I’ve ever heard.





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