Our good friends in Red Stinger are taking the Midwest by storm (of booze) and are kind enough to share their experiences with the world. You may know the Stinger from such events and places as Bandwagon 3, 3 Kings Tavern, Bender’s Tavern, and 3 Kings Tavern.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Overall Summit Splash Waterpark was a success. Very friendly staff. Was greeted promptly and given the “band”
discount. Always appreciated. First thing we did was head straight to the Lazy River. If a water park doesn’t offer you the ability to be lazy then its not worth much. After three laps of laziness we headed straight for the RED slide. The pitch blackness of the slide was an unexpected perk. 50 mph down twists and turns in pitch black definitely help you fear for your life. The Tube Slide was also pretty sweet. Enclosed slides don’t usually allow tubes but this one did and it was super fun to giggle and scream all the way to the bottom. Overall the lifeguard staff looked pretty much legal age limit so there weren’t too many creepy uncle moments. Fred made the biggest splash off the diving board (because he’s fat). Dave won for worst divingboardability. The most important part of the whole swimming park is of course the shower, which was nice and warm and felt like getting peed on by a large giant. I saw Zaks fruit basket and was thourghouly disgusted.
Overall Park Rating: A-
Staff Hotness- B+
Shower- B
Zaks Fruit Basket: D-
y ded six get afraid of sevn?
bc four in the five and six
(said while sleeping)
Well I think we woke up. And then… ummm, Water Park? and, I think we did an interview. Yea yea we did that. And then I saw Jon and Ben from Thank You Donny and after that well shit I cant remember anything, someone else write something.
OK, here’s that guy. We did in fact do a very hilariously stupid interview and photo-shoot for Iowa Music Buzz Magazine. Hopefully they have employed some talented editors… Our venue was a very cool NYC style punk club called Vaudeville Mews, the bartenders were very gracious and quite generous with portion size, hence Tim’s “time-travelling.” Despite the difficulties playing with a marionette as a frontman, consentual rock love was made.
Oh Lee Summit. You sexy bitch of a town. Wish we could do this all the time. I love your pizza, and your fish is gigantic. This is how romance should
begin. Wait… what do you mean you cant find Chewy? He’s an hour away with two random strange gentlemen? AND HE TOOK THE WHISKEY? Damn it Lee Summit, we were so close to love. Now I have to leave your beautiful landscape and trek to a less attractive college town where, wait… what… you love me? Its too soon… I’m sorry this must be goodbye…
Shotgun Willies is a gentlemans club. We, by no means, are gentleman. You could understand the “dancers” frustration when we began to pound our wooden instruments, strumming and stroking with a passionate release of musical awesomness. My guess is we won’t be playing there anytime soon. Do you tip the bathroom attendant?
The DIY event center is a series of room carved out of a big
warehouse space with a row of practice spaces connected to it. The building and area seem to be inhabited by a wide variety of punks with a rainbow of hair colors and glittering piercings everywhere you look. It feels comfortable. The denizens are shy at first (or maybe we are) but we quickly warm to each other over shared pulls from a variety of cheep whiskies int he parking lot. The venue does not have a liquor license but allows you to bring your own booze, so i guess it is BYOB and DIY. We bought the big bottle of whiskey so it would last us a few days. It lasted until midnight.
It was a sticky Colorado afternoon as we drove up to Fort Collins in whatever vehicles we could find, and after borrowing whatever equipment we could as well. This is technically our tour kickoff but we haven’t left the state yet so it doesn’t feel quite “real”, we are just going to our favorite place in FoCo, Surfside 7. Surfside is filled with the usual pack of miscreants when we arrive, and we immediately devour our pizza and beer allowance and are left to our own devices to continue drinking. Having no money and not being drunk enough to not walk leaves your brain in a very wandering mode. Have you ever had a Sanchez family reunion? No? Well we have and our mouths will never be the same. Disgustingly appropriate to begin tour with an unforgiveable sin. Ten dollars to anyone who knows what a Sanchez Family Reunion is…
Tags: red stinger, Iowa Music Buzz, Alaskan Pipeline '76, Timmy Merz, Money in the Blender, Denver punk rock, punk rock
Category: Planet Buzz, Exclusives