Tag: love

Between The Covers: Twitterpated

| May 1, 2015
Between The Covers: Twitterpated

by Torch twitterpated 1)to be completely enamored with someone/something. 2) the flighty exciting feeling you get when you think about/see the object of your affection. 3) romantically excited (i.e.: aroused) 4) the ever increasing acceleration of heartbeat and body temperature as a result of being engulfed amidst the exhilaration and joy of being/having a romantic […]

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Calder’s Revolvers- Sunday Morning

| July 1, 2014 | 0 Comments
Calder’s Revolvers- Sunday Morning

by Tim Wenger Calder’s Revolvers is a much-needed breath of fresh air here in the Mile High City, and their new record, Sunday Morning, is a long, deep exhale of relief from the hordes of trendy indie rock plugging the South Broadway circuit. Vocalist Andy Schneider has such a strong soul tone to his singing, […]

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