The Way I See It: So, What’s in a Name?

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments


by Lora Bong

band name n.  A strategically picked label that embodies the creative flow and represents the persona of the music makers.

I’m talking about band names, and they fascinate me. Do I research the mystifying meanings behind the names to discover the truth? Oh no, that would strip away my fun. I like to stew on the names and try to crack the code on my own. Strange? Maybe, but very amusing. I have been introduced recently to a new band with an unusual name. It intrigues me. I sit around and ponder what goes through the musicians’ minds during the naming process. Are they on a creative binge? Are they inebriated? Are they just trying to screw with the listeners? Or does the name have some deep, spiritual and intellectual meaning that only they could ever understand? Just fascinating! Around our home, we have an activity where we try to conjure up amazing names for bands. It’s quite entertaining and sometimes gets a touch inappropriate. Some of our favorites, not listing the inappropriate ones, of course, are:

7 Can’t Lie

Disgruntled Backlash

Unrecognized Disciples

Mechanical Bindings

Mickey’s Big Mistake

I’m sure in their creative universe, the band’s choice makes total sense and represents them in the light in which they want to be seen. But I think some are just plain wacky; for instance, the Wombats. Hmmm, why a wombat? They are three young, talented boys from England. How about using… well, I don’t know what animal is famous for living in England. OK, then how about the Rain Coats or the Need for Dentists? Not bad, maybe it could work. And then, there are the names that fit perfectly, like Bop Skizzum. Now, I might be a little skewed since they are one of my favorite local bands, but I get it. They play funk, and I feel funky (in a good way) when I say their name. In that sense, all is right in the world, at least in my world.

Aside from my joking, I love the variety and challenges of the different musical names. How boring would our world be if all the band names made sense, lacked creativity, and heaven forbid, told us exactly what we were going to be listening to. But the bottom line is – who am I kidding? My last name is Bong, so I have no room to ridicule, right?


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