The Widow’s Bane

| May 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Ted Davis

Boulder-based band, the Widow’s Bane, played at the Aggie on Friday the 13th as part of FOCOMX 2012. The stage was filled with zombies rocking out to self-described “Zombie Death Polka.” As the smoke rose and the lights focused on Mortimer Leech (front man), he embraced the pain and anger of a man who was poisoned by his wife hundreds of years ago. This is a common theme throughout their songs. To go along with their music and show, the band has a story as to how they became the undead that they are. The Widow’s Bane is a ship captained by the devil himself, for men that have died by the hand of their lover. Each member has their own death story, and a song to tell it. Leech’s is rough and scratchy, however when the time was right, he belted out the emotion needed to complete the song.

If zombies playing “Zombie, Death, Polka” aren’t enough, a belly dancer performs during every song. She brings another element to an already diverse scene.

Overall, the Widow’s Bane is a must-see show, consisting of the living dead, and a belly dancer who seems to be controlled by the music. The Widows Bane commands the attention of everyone in the room. These dead souls come to life when the stage light hits them; and they put on more than just a concert, they create an experience.

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